Practicing gratitude is probably one of the biggest topics I am most passionate about. Why? Because it is LIFE CHANGING. It can even be LIFE SAVING.
Let’s first look at the definition of Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
It’s one of those things that you need to practice daily! It is a habit, that you practice during the good times so that when the bad times come (because they will), you can find a way to look at the good so you don’t go in a downward spiral.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Notice how the bible doesn’t say “give thanks except..” or “give thanks unless…”

No, the bible says give thanks in all circumstances.
That means when we’re happy, when we’re content, when we’re sad, or when we’re angry because we just don’t understand why we are going through what we are going through.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. – Philippians 4:6
Ahh… Right there. Don’t worry. Pray. Thank Him. Let’s break this down.
When we are worrying and living in fear, we are not allowing God to fulfill His promise to us. We try to take control and end up focusing on the negative. God does not want that.
When we worry we begin to give ourselves anxiety, stress, and it can even develop into various levels of depression.

Not only do multiple verses say to be thankful (a.k.a. gratitude), but it is scientifically proven that when we do this; our minds, hearts, bodies, and nervous systems all benefit from it. Don’t believe me? Check out this article here to see the science behind it.
Well sister, where do we start?!
The easiest way to start if you have never done one, is to buy a journal that has prompts. In my gratitude journal you will receive prompts and pages to write daily. You can download and print off a copy for yourself to do every night before bed.
Amazon also has a lot of amazing ones you can purchase too if you like to have a physical bound copy.
Or, if you want to make one yourself then start with these questions everyday:
- List 3 things that made me happy today
- What did I accomplish?
- What was a challenge?
- How can I make tomorrow better?
Don’t know what made your day good? It could be that you woke up in a warm bed, you had your favorite coffee, or simply that you made it through the day.
Still struggling? Pray about it. Ask God to show you the good in your day and how to prepare for the next day.
I call practicing gratitude an art because like with any good artist, their skills and habits are formed over time which lead them to creating masterpieces. Gratitude is the same; we have to practice daily so we form a habit that even when the times get tough, we remember what we are thankful for. Our masterpiece is our life.
Seriously my friends, give yourself 30 days and just see what happens to your mind!
Take it from me. Just the other day I was having a horrible day! Everything was going perfect until I let one tiny little thought into my head and I started to spiral.
Everything that I said seemed wrong, I was being misunderstood, people were snapping at me, I was anxious, and I felt alone and lost.

You know, Satan just looooves to come in and get ya! He doesn’t want you to have a good day at all. He plants that seed, and it’s up to you to decide if you’re going to let it take root.
It wasn’t until I got home and talked to my husband as we were laying in bed, and he tried his best to make it better.. But instead I just became snappy at him. (Sorry babe!) The one person that was there for me and treating me nice, I treated him how others had been treating me.
Then it hit me:
I told myself: “Brittany, go grab your gratitude journal NOW!” So I did.
Suddenly the entire world wasn’t against me. Suddenly I didn’t feel alone. But you know what I was? I was emotionally drained.
I allowed myself to cry, to make action steps for how I could make the next day better and where I could have done better that day. Then I prayed. Hard. Praying and practicing gratitude turned my mind around when I felt like I was crawling into a hole I didn’t want to come out of.
Did I still have some anxiety going into the next day? You bet. But instead of living in it I leaned into God. I started my day with Him. Prayed, listened to my podcast and allowed the Holy Spirit to rest in me. I prayed for wisdom, guidance, and remembered what I wrote down in my gratitude journal to make the day better.. Then I implemented it.
But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. Psalms 13:5
Don’t worry friend. God’s Got You.